Dss Testimonies

Since 1992 we have served many furtun 1000 to 500 organization in different industries by providing excellent solutions. After serving your business with the first solutions, Dss Solutions became your partner-in-business for life. We like to serve your business, please tell us your business requirements and pains.we are here to help.

Sample Business Intelligence Customer Testimonial.

(Please refer to Solutions, Services, Industries and Methodology for more customers testimonial reports)

Eurad Consult is a radiology services company that provides primary readings and reporting services to customers across the world. Services include primary diagnostic readings, diagnosis of images and storage of reports.

The business model used by Eurad Consult is to provide a fast, high quality service to a paying customer base worldwide.

Dss Solutions Healthcare Consulting Business Intelligence Service was engaged to help find ways to enhance the efficiency of this service and of the billing process. During the initial Business Intelligence Service workshop, clear objectives critical for achieving Eurad Consult’s business model strategy was determined.

Shortly, thereafter, Key Performance Indicators were agreed upon to measure progress in achieving these objectives.


  • Increase quality to customers


  • Reduce overall response time to customer requests
  • Optimize the billing procedure
  • Improve reporting quality

Main Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Scorecards and Executive Dashboards that were identified to support the objectives:

  • Time lost to handle incomplete requests
  • Number of reports per day
  • Duration of case between receiving request and completion of report

Dss Solutions KPI Analyses:

1. Time lost to handle incomplete requests. Dss Solutions’s Business Consultants searched the database for all incomplete requests and analyzed the workflow used to correct them. As predicted, the administration of incomplete requests was over 200% longer than that of complete requests as a result of workflow: The images got forwarded directly to the radiologist who then discovered that the request was incomplete and therefore lost time due to correcting the missing elements. The extent of this time loss was not measured before since the databases needed special mining to isolate the incomplete studies.

2. Number of reports per day Although this KPI was easy to investigate, it revealed a strong correlation with the KPI that dealt with incomplete requests: by solving the issue of incomplete requests we could potentially also increase the number of reports per day. In addition, the customer was regularly provided a report containing performance details such as production data, patient data and reporting radiologist.

3. Duration of case between receiving request and completion of report Before the engagement of Dss Solutions Healthcare Consulting, turnaround time was not tracked or measured in a systematic way. The billing department consistently received customer feedback that revealed different turnaround times than the ones measured by Eurad Consult. By checking the data in the system and analyzing the patterns, it became obvious that there was a difference in definition between the customers and Eurad Consult about what a start and a finish of a case means. This finding led to a better common definition of cycle time between Eurad Consult and its customers.

Advise to Action:

  • Change workflow to handle incomplete requests in more efficient way using tools and assistance from Dss Solutions.
  • Determine a clear and common definition of “cycle time” with Eurad Consult and their customers.


  • issue of incomplete reports was confirmed, quantified and resolved.
  • The number of reports per day was therefore affected very positively.
  • A difference in interpretation of “cycle time” by Eurad Consult and their customers was discovered and corrected.